Ce inseamna overbooking-ul la cazare
DE CE poate aparea situatia de overbooking?
Conform statisticilor, un procent mic de turisti nu se prezintă la unitatea de cazare.
Interesul hotelierilor este sa aiba grad de ocupare 100%, ceea ce este si corect.
Aceasta situatie apare atunci cand unitatea de cazare are spre exemplu 100 de camere, dar se vand 103 si toata lumea se prezinta conform rezervarii facute.
Cum se rezolva overbooking-ul?
Astazi m-am gandit sa-ti povestesc putin despre croaziere
2. pachetele de bauturi – cand analizezi o croaziera trebuie sa stii ca, de regula, ai asigurata cazarea si mesele, dar nu si bauturile.
In discutie sunt si cele alcoolice, dar si cele nealcoolice (apa, sucuri, cocktail-uri, fresh-uri). Ele se vand de regula separat, in pachete.
E mai ieftin sa le incluzi de la inceput in pachet.
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Pentru fiecare problema de mai sus exista solutii.
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Astazi o sa povestim pe scurt despre bagajele pe care le poti lua atunci cand calatoresti cu avionul.
Ele pot fi:
1.bagaj de mana/ cabina
2. bagaj de cala.
He Does Not Believe That Does Not Live According to His Belief
Set to launch on the manufacturer’s new A330neo aircraft in 2017, it’s offering lots of extra space, including wider seats as standard, no control boxes under seats for the in-flight entertainment system, which means it’s all open for you to stretch your legs.
The planes will offer improved built-in broadband connectivity that’ll allow passengers to use their phones and tablets as normal, even making calls and sending and receiving text messages.
The overall design
The layout and design of the cabin has been made more modular so each airline can customize the layout of their planes, which should mean wider aisles that aren’t taken over by lavatories and trollies.
The overall design offers more space for you and your luggage, more room to walk around and actually enjoy the surroundings on your journey and not be completely disorientated when you land, thanks to better environmental controls and changeable mood lighting.
Being able to stay connected with the ground below via Wi-Fi and now making calls and texts from 35,000 ft makes flying a less daunting experience for anyone who’s nervous. If it gets a little bumpy or you’re feeling anxious, you can now call your friend for a distraction or get lost on Twitter for a while.
I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.
The overall design offers more space for you and your luggage, more room to walk around and actually enjoy the surroundings on your journey and not be completely disorientated when you land, thanks to better environmental controls and changeable mood lighting.
Being able to stay connected with the ground below via Wi-Fi and now making calls and texts from 35,000 ft makes flying a less daunting experience for anyone who’s nervous. If it gets a little bumpy or you’re feeling anxious, you can now call your friend for a distraction or get lost on Twitter for a while.